
The Friends are always grateful to receive donations to help us support the Garden, no matter how small. We would always wish to thank donors, so unless you wish to give anonymously, please let us know about your gift by emailing

Giving by text

We are registered with the text-giving platform DONR. To donate any amount in whole pounds (between £1 and £20), text FCBG and the amount to 70085. For example, text FCBG 5 to 70085 to give £5.

Giving online

If you’re thinking of donating £10 or £20 then you could still support us and get added benefits by becoming a Friend instead.

£10.00 (this is the concession membership rate, why not join us for a year instead if you are 60+ or registered disabled.)

£20.00 (as an adult you could be a member for a year, so why not join us instead for the same price)

£50.00 (help to fund a specialist plant collection in the UK’s most northerly University Botanic Garden)

£75.00 (this will pay for a day’s training for one of our horticultural trainees)

£100.00 (this will pay for one of the lectures in our winter education series)


Giving by bank transfer

You can donate by bank transfer to:

Account Name: Friends of Cruickshank Botanic Gardens
Account Number: 50031210
Sort code: 82-60-08

Please label your payment as “Name-Donation”.

Giving by standing order

You can also donate by standing order by completing the form below.