Spring Plant Sale
Join us for our Spring plants sale on Saturday the 18th May at the Cruickshank Botanical Garden from 10:30 - 12:00
Autumn Plant Sale
The October Plant Sale (Sat, 7th Oct) will now be held in the ZOOLOGY BUILDING foyer, avoiding the bad weather. Entry via the Cruickshank Gardens only!!
Houseplant Giveaway to Freshers
This year’s Houseplant Giveaway to Freshers in the School of Biological Sciences will take place in the Cruickshank Garden between 12:00 and 14:00 on FRIDAY 15th SEPTEMBER. This has become an annual event now, and is very much anticipated by the students, who are grateful to receive a plant to make their accommodation feel more like home.
We can’t do it without your donations of course!!
Spring Plant Sale
Spring is here. Come along and bag a bargain. Plants are all donated so you can often pick up a rare or choice item. Prices are mostly £1 or £2, unless the plant is large or unusual - even then you can expect to pay only £3 or £4.